Monday, 3 June 2013

Write Your Biography in 8 Easy Steps.

What is a biography?
It is a detailed description or account of a person's life. It entails more than basic facts (education, work, relationships, and death) - a biography also portrays a subject's experience of these events. Unlike a profile or curriculum vitae a biography presents a subject's life story, highlighting various aspects of his or her life, including intimate details of experience, and may include an analysis of the subject's personality.

A bio is useful for a host of reasons such as applying for a job, publishing an article or general networking etc. It’s basically a great vehicle for quickly communicating who you are and what you do. I am asking you to “Write your Biography” simply to allow you to see who you are and to recognise your vast array of achievements. Most of us only ever see the negative; we rarely celebrate the things we have achieved.

So in this blog I will post the steps necessary to writing your biography. I can guarantee you that you will be pleasantly surprised at the successes which have gone unappreciated in your life. 

Step 1: Identify your Purpose for writing it
The purpose is practical in that you will need to list in chronological order all the things you have done in your life, from birth to present day. The essential ingredient is YOU, it maybe necessary to consult with friends and family on when events occurred, this in a way is like you creating your family tree but a personal tree of things that happened to you from choices you made along the way.

Step 2: Third Person Perspective
Your bio should sound as though it were objectively written, although it is obviously anything but. If you look at any book cover, the bio will be in the narrative mode even though the author has probably written it themselves. So instead of writing “I have lived in Wales and I speak 3 languages”, try “John has lived in Switzerland and he speaks 3 languages”.

Step 3: Length of your Bio
Feel free to write as much as you want, but keep it to the point, wandering off into a long story of a particular part of your life will take from its impact and bore the reader. Remember this bio is essentially a list with embellishments from you on you. 

Step 4: State your name and current age
It may seem glaringly obvious but this sets the tone, remember those childhood primary school stories who wrote, e.g. “My name is Michelle I am 12 years old I went to see Granny & Granddad on Sunday…..” 

Step 5: State your business (essentially what you do currently in life)
“I am a mother, a father, I am a business owner………” this is important, in how you see yourself in this moment. Say how long you have been doing this and what it currently involves.

Step 6: Put your Personality in the Bio
Give the reader an understanding of you the person to your bio this can be a bit of humour or just curious information that you think people will be interested in, such as you being a keen painter or people watcher.  Or using the humour to write “and in his spare time, he really enjoys writing about himself in the third person”. A little witty twist at the end can tell a lot about your personality.

Step 7: Close your Bio with your contact details, email etc., then read it and re-write it if necessary.
Over to you, remember this is NOT a CV, this is your biography, (your story) look inside the cover of your favourite book and see how the author writes about the author. This Bio is being created by you for you, if you choose the only person reading it will be you. If you want to CELEBRATE YOU, then post it on your website or Facebook page, or email to me and I will post it on my blog or/and website.
In truth the most important thing is that you WRITE YOUR BIOGRAPHY, it will empower you to see all of the positive things you have achieved and all of the negative things you have survived. 

Step 8: Give your Biography a title!
If your Biography were to be turned into a book, what would the best title be to sum up your journey? 

email your Biography's to and they will be posted on

Wednesday, 22 May 2013


Don't be fooled by me - please don't be fooled by the face I’m wearing, because I'm wearing a mask, in fact I wear a thousand masks. Masks I'm afraid to take off and none of them is the real me. Pretending is an art that is second nature to me but don't be fooled. I like to give you the impression that I’m really secure in myself, that all is unruffled and confident, and that the water is all calm, that I’m really in command and that I need no one. But don't be fooled by me.

My surface may be smooth but that surface is only one of many masks, masks I use to conceal the frightened person sheltering behind them. Beneath there is no smugness; down there, dwells the real me in confusion, loneliness and fear. But I hide all this because I’m afraid someone may get to know about it. That’s why I frantically create a mask and hide behind it. The camouflage helps me to pretend. It shields me from the “look that knows”.

But that very “look that knows” could be my salvation, my only hope. I know that. If only I could accept that look, open out and have the courage to take off that mask and let love and friendship come into my life, it could begin the process of liberating me – from myself. From the prison walls I have built up around myself. From all the barriers I erect against people and from all the clever games I have devised to make sure they keep their distance.

If I could do that it would assure me of something that I cannot assure myself of, THAT I AM REALLY WORTH SOMETHING. But I don’t dare tell you this. I’m afraid to. I’m afraid that if I let you see what I’m really like, you will think less of me and reject me. Or that you’ll laugh, and your laugh most particularly, would really kill me.

You see, deep down, I’m afraid that I’m nothing. I feel that I’m really no good and you might see this and reject me. So I play the well-rehearsed game, full of assurance and confidence on the outside, but a trembling fearful child on the inside. And so my life becomes a front. I chatter away to you idly with surface talk. I tell you everything of what’s nothing and nothing of what’s everything. But nothing about what’s crying out within me.

So while I’m going through my routine, don’t be fooled by what I’m saying. But please listen carefully to what I’m NOT saying, what I would love to say, what I really need to say. Believe me I dislike playing this superficial game. I’d like to be genuine and sincere but you’ve got to help me. You’ve got to hold out your hand even when that’s the last thing I seem to want. Only you can make me alive.

Every time you are kind and gentle and encouraging.
Every time you try to show me that you care about me.
Every time you try to understand what’s going on in my life.

My heart begins to grow wings – very small wings but real wings. With your sympathy, care and compassion, you can bring life back to me. I want you to know that. I want you to know how special and important you are to me, even though I have never told you this before. You can become the creator of the person that is within me, if you choose too. You alone can break down the wall behind which I take refuge and tremble. You can help me remove my mask. You can help me release me myself from the show world of panic and uncertainty, from my lonely cell. So don’t pass me by, PLEASE DON’T PASS ME BY.

It won’t be easy for you as a long conviction of worthlessness builds strong walls. The nearer you approach, the blinder I am in striking out. But I’m told that friendship and love are stronger than even strong walls. In this lies my hope, my only hope. Please try to beat down these walls with firm hands but with gentle hands, for a child is very sensitive.

Who am I?
What am I?

I suspect that I am someone you know very well. I am every person you meet, every man, every woman, and every child. I AM EVERYONE.

Sunday, 5 May 2013


Eight footballers tell fellow players 'we're gay' - but refuse to go public in fear of backlash from fans

At least eight professional footballers in English leagues have told their teammates they are gay but do not want to tell the public because they fear fans will turn against them.

Leeds Utd footballer Robbie Rodgers recently came out then retired from soccer
revealing that it would be "impossible" to stay in football and be gay. 

We are all sports fans, golf, tennis, rugby, basketball and football all form part of memories we have from childhood through to adulthood. It is amazing to consider that Justin Fashanu in 1990 is the only player in the last 23 years to come out?! So there are no gay people in sport?!

It comes in the week that basketball player Jason Collins became the first professional sportsman in the United States to reveal he was gay. 

I have been to football matches here and in the UK, some of the worst sexual verbal abuse can be heard on the terraces in Ireland and in the UK. Any "weakness" is taken and used like a weapon to destroy the self-confidence of the player, to know the player is gay gives the "wound-up" football supporter an advantage, that they clench with vemonous glee to dismantle the players character. 

In my working experience as a therapist a denial of self is the ultimate self-harm we can visit upon ourselves. 

So the next time you sit in your comfortable seat at a football ground consider those who play the "beautiful game" it can only be beauiful if it is played and supported in a respectful way, a way which respects a persons sexual orientation but also which remembers that there is a human being running around out there. 

The basketball player Jason Collins wrote: 

'I'm a 34-year-old NBA centre. I'm black. And I'm gay.

'I didn't set out to be the first openly gay athlete playing in a major American team sport. But since I am, I'm happy to start the conversation. I wish I wasn't the kid in the classroom raising his hand and saying, "I'm different."

So, as a sports fan BE DIFFERENT and make the world a better place.